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  1.  This document covers all the terms and conditions under which these services are provided. Read all the terms and conditions carefully before you proceed to registration.

  2.  InME reserves the right to update the terms and conditions of this agreement without prior notice.

  3. This platform is only for educational purposes and modest behaviour from the part of tutor and tutee must be ensured. Violation of the same will result in the disqualification of the tutor and the tutee.

  4. Students and Alumnae of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, St.Teresa'sCollege are eligible to register as online tutors. Registration form can be accessed from the InME website A registered candidate should face an interview and take a demo class to qualify as an online tutor.

  5. The decision of assigning a tutor to a tutee solely rests with the Faculty of Department of Mathematics and Statistics.

  6.  A trial class will be scheduled between the tutor and the tutee prior to confirmation from both sides.

  7.  Sharing of personal information (phone number,email-id,etc.) to tutee is restricted.

  8.  After confirmation, the InME core team will schedule and send the class link (google meet) for each session to the tutor and tutee. No other classes should be scheduled between the tutor and the tutee without the knowledge of the InME core team.

  9.  The tutor should strictly follow the allotted time schedule.

  10. If a tutor is not able to take the pre-assigned sessions due to any unavoidable circumstances, it should be informed to the InME core team in advance.

  11. The InME core team has the right to monitor the classes as and when required.

  12. It is mandatory to conduct a monthly assessment for the tutee .This is done inorder to keep a track on his/her level of improvement in academics.

  13. 70% of the fees collected will be paid as remuneration for the online tutor and 30% will be set apart towards the InME Development Fund.

  14. Once a tutor commits a class, it is her duty to complete it on time, otherwise penalty will be imposed.

For any queries, contact

1. Dr. Ursala Paul – 8921447261 (Faculty- in – Charge, InME)

2. Dr. Elizabeth Reshma M T - 9946875229 (Faculty- in – Charge, InME)

Terms and Conditions

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