Incubation unit of Math Entrepreneurs
About us
About Us
Tutoring Options
TeresianMath @ Online is the first kick off of InME. It is a one to one tutoring platform for school students from grade 1 to 12 helping them to discover the magical world of Mathematics.
Grades 1-12
ICSE Syllabus
CBSE Syllabus
Other syllabus
The number of tuition hours for a particular topic is prefixed.
The Incubation Unit of Math Entrepreneurs - InME is a new venture of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, St. Teresa's College (Autonomous), Ernakulam. It aims to promote the innovative and entrepreneurial skills of undergraduate and post graduate students and alumnae thereby building an innovative ecosystem in the campus.
We offer one to one tuitions so that the student gets extra care and attention and thereby understand the concepts clearly.
Our online tuitions can be accessed by anyone who has a computer ,tablet or a smartphone at an affordable rate.
The students themselves can fix the schedule convenient for learning and our tutors will follow you.
Personal Attention
Easily Accessible
Choose your schedule
Director's Message
The initiative of starting an incubation unit is a response to the directions charted out by the Ministry of Human Resource Development(MHRD). InME -Incubation unit of Math Entrepreneurs- an initiative of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics is a step towards empowering women through education and entrepreneurship as envisioned by our Patron-Mother Teresa of St. Rose of Lima. May this venture add a feather in the cap of the Institution's Innovation Cell (IIC).
Senior Administrator's Message
'InME'- The Incubation unit of Math Entrepreneurs is a new venture put forward by the Department of Mathematics and Statistics. This unit will act as a converging point of scientific knowledge and entrepreneurial skills. I wish that this incubation unit would facilitate the transformation of the conventional job seeking women into vibrant, energetic job creating women entrepreneurs.
Principal's Message
I am extremely happy that the Department of Mathematics and Statistics have initiated an Incubation Unit of Math Entrepreneurs - InME to promote innovative and entrepreneurial skills of students. I understand as their first step, they are launching Teresian Math@online, an online learning platform for school students from grade 1 to 12. This is managed by the young vibrant Math-Teresians who volunteered to assist or help, the deserving section of school students to enable them understand mathematics in an easy method. Joining these budding tutors, the good-hearted Math-alumnae will also contribute their best to make this mission successful. This project is an example of translation of a good vision into a fruitful mission and vocation. My best wishes for the success of this venture and I request all the student to cooperate with your best to take up such missions in future
HOD's Message
The incubation unit of Math Entrepreneurs - InME is an initiative of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics that provides an opportunity to go beyond the academic curriculum and to promote young women entrepreneurs. This unit intends to provide a space where young and fresh minds can come together, to transform their ideas into innovative tools in business fields. TeresianMath@online- a virtual platform designed and executed by our students is the first step in this direction, where young women get an opportunity to earn while they learn. InME underlines the beginning of a new dimension in the academic field. May this platform help to tap and unlock the potential within us that will radiate and transform into ventures beneficial for the society at large.